From the factory that is AllofUs, comes an assembly line that sounds like a playground for creatives to crank out everything from art installations, museum exhibitions, interactive furniture, to solutions for healthcare and learning environments. Next to this list, their other work in web, retail and brand identity design sound almost humdrum.
An endless source of inspiration, what's really arresting to me is that this is a firm that's not shy about flexing its R&D muscle, with a unit solely dedicated to its pursuit. Having had a chance to commission them to work on a project, I was also thoroughly impressed with the blog that they set up for clients to monitor their progress, and more captivatingly, their research and thought process.
It's almost as if there is a certain quality of determined, quiet engineering behind the sleek, polished end-products which make it look so achingly effortless. Or in other words, too many of darn-i-wish-i'd-thought-of-that moments.